June 11, 2010
Hello there! I’m Kristen, also known as Mrs. Howell, wife to Schmoops, mom to Bubs and Busy, daughter, friend, volunteer, celebrity gossip enthusiast, spa lover, blogger and co-worker with Housewife Dreams!
I’m a full-time working mom of two A-DORABLE kiddos, 4 and (almost) 1. I am an only child (totally “lonely only”), so I would love to have more kids, but let’s face it, I’m getting up there AND the hubs and I pretty much perfected the kid-thing so (I think) we are done. I have been friends with my husband since high school, but our first date was not until 15 years later! He is my rock and (most days) I don’t know what I would do without him! As I mentioned, I am dreaming of the day that I will turn in my building access card (and, ahem, paycheck!) for a full-time gig at home!
I started blogging for a local Mom’s group back in 2008. Over there, I am known as the Going Green Mom. It is a digest of sorts documenting my trials (and errors) to be some shade of green every single day. I also talk about mom stuff, things I buy, local fare and, you know, this and that! After I got a taste of blogging, I decided I would start a personal blog as well. I love READING blogs, so, of course, I thought I would love WRITING one about myself. It was slow going. And it went by the wayside as I just continued to blog for the Mom’s site. Then some inspirational ladies came up with the great idea to become the Real Housewives of Oklahoma. Their site was super cool and they asked people to link up. Since I had recently decided that I would work towards becoming a “housewife” myself AND thought their site was so great, I decided to resurrect the old blog, give it a new name, and try my hand again. This time I am having much more fun and making some wonderful online connections!
I hope you enjoy your time on my site. I write a lot about my family, participate in a lot of online games, make recommendations, “dish” on cooking and weight loss, and, in general, just gab!
Here’s a pic of those cutie patootie kids I was bragging about:
(Funny that my son is smiling because this is right BEFORE he got his 4 year old shots at the pediatrician’s office. . .I assure you that about 3 minutes later, he was cursing the day his mother and the nurse were born!)
And here’s me with my hottie hubby on our honeymoon (I just love alliterations, don’t you?):
(I like this pic because I was at my ideal (or skinnier) “wedding weight”!)
And this is our little family from this past Christmas. . .my son had just finishing singing in his Christmas Program at school:
(I do not like this pic so much – well at least me in it – because I was at my absolutely non-ideal (or heavier) “post-baby weight”!)
In my spare time, I mostly just relish in any second I can spend with my two precious babies! But I also really love to cook, have cocktails with my friends, take loads of (not great) pictures of my kiddos, and cuddle up with my sweet Schmoops.
Thanks for stopping by. . .leave a comment/link because I also LOVE to find new blogs!!!
Mrs. Howell